AgeChecker.Net is a third-party age verification software that uses information collected at checkout to verify customer age and determine eligibility to purchase age-restricted products online. AgeChecker.Net integrates with all major e-commerce platforms and features a flexible API for custom development, so websites can modify the age verification workflow to best fit their business model, design, and compliance standards.

How It Works

Our out-of-the box solution positions AgeChecker.Net as the last step of checkout. After the customer enters billing and shipping information, our pop-up appears and prompts date of birth. For over 90% of customers, this is all we need to instantly verify them. We use the customer’s date of birth, name, and address (automatically retrieved from billing information they already entered) to cross-reference against the world’s largest identity networks, public records databases, and our proprietary database of name/address/date of birth combinations that have been previously verified on any website using AgeChecker.Net. You can choose to pull name and address from the billing or shipping information for age verification on most ecommerce platforms.

If we are unable to instantly verify a customer, we prompt them to submit a legally-acceptable, government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, state-issued identification card, passport, military ID, etc.), which is manually verified by our 24/7 live team in under a minute. This takes place directly through our pop-up and gives the customer several options: upload a file from any device; have a link sent to their mobile device to complete the process on that camera; or use a webcam. Artificial intelligence is working in the background to implement our fraud prevention techniques. Once a customer is verified, they are able to proceed with their order.

For declined verifications, we include a specific reason letting the customer know how to remediate the issue in cases unrelated to fraud or underage attempts. Decline reasons we specify include expired ID, invalid ID (e.g. a benefits card, employee ID, etc.), order information discrepancy (e.g. the ID did not belong to the cardholder), the image was too blurry to process, and more. Declined verifications do not incur a charge. For instance, if a customer submits an image that doesn’t clearly show name, date of birth, and expiration date, then submits a clearer photo which we approve, you are only charged once.

Similarly, if a customer passes age verification but their order is declined for a different reason, such as a card decline or other payment gateway error, we provide a 20-minute window wherein that customer can go back through age verification as many times as needed without incurring an additional charge.

Once verified via photo ID, that customer will be instantly verified if they use the same order information for future purchases. Our database is constantly growing with real-time data, making for fewer ID uploads. Customer updates such as address or name changes, which would trigger our ID prompt for a previously-verified customer, are often reflected in our database sooner than in public records, helping expedite the age verification process. AgeChecker.Net was designed with the aim to make age verification as frictionless for the customer as possible. Many experience little to no difference from a checkout page without our plug-in, as our instant verification method requires no additional action from the customer than a simple age gate. Verification occurs in the background.

Our customer-friendly age verification process helps optimize your conversion rate and provide a compliance resource that is easy to implement, easy to use, and up to date with the latest regulations.

Features & Settings

Rules-based location settings allow our clients to require different minimum ages, block purchasing, require an electronic signature, and more by location. You can apply a universal setting for the U.S. or specify settings by state, county, or zip code. Using IP geolocation, we determine if customers are outside of the U.S. and refer to international settings you have chosen: block, disable verification, use an age gate, or implement our full age verification solution by country or for all orders outside the U.S. We are equipped to verify IDs from all over the world. Each order outside of the U.S. is manually verified via photo ID by our team, as there is not sufficient reliable data for our instant verification method.

You can customize your settings or use one of our industry-specific profiles, which we update as laws change so you don’t have to. As well, our profiles allow you to layer custom settings overtop, using ours as a default.

AgeChecker.Net’s pop-up text and design is customizable. We offer complimentary, same-day installation, continued integration support, and 24/7/365 phone and email support for our clients and their website customers. Additional settings include the option to require an ID for every purchase rather than use database matching for instant verifications as a first line of defense, apply our software to age-restricted items while bypassing non-restricted merchandise, exclude customer groups such as wholesale buyers, track verification logs, and meet criteria set by different governing bodies depending on industry.

Advanced Age Authentication

We offer two additional products to provide advanced age authentication to further verify the identity of a customer.

Phone Verification: If we can validate the provided mobile phone number with our public records database, we send a required SMS verification code to complete the age verification process. Mobile phone numbers must match our identity network or the verification process will fail.

ID upload and selfie with ID: In order to complete the verification process, we require an image of your government-issued photo ID and a selfie with the same ID included. Our artificial intelligence combined with live agents, will match the provided ID with an additional uploaded selfie containing the same ID.


AgeChecker.Net takes privacy and security very seriously. Customer information is submitted securely and is stored solely to verify customers quickly if they order again. Photo ID submissions are automatically deleted after our audit process, and customer information is never shared or sold. Access to all of our services are protected with 256-bit AES encryption. All personal information is stored on a private internal network.

Additional Information

Signing up and installing AgeChecker.Net is free. Clients may add and independently manage the settings of an unlimited number of websites on the same account. To get started, create an account on our website AgeChecker.Net. We provide platform-specific self-installation guides and the option to have our team install the plug-in for you within 24 hours of your installation request. From your account dashboard, you can update settings, request installation or ongoing technical support, view verification logs, use our tool to verify customers by inputting their information on your end (e.g. if you are taking a phone order). No contract is required; customers may cancel our service at any time, at no cost to them.

We identify ourselves as a best practices tool that helps businesses prevent underage sales or reach their target demographic. We are committed to adapting our service as regulations evolve. We do not provide legal services or counsel, nor do we assume liability for any misuse of our service.

For more information and to try a live demo, please visit our website:

We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please contact us by phone at 1-888-276-2303 or email